Hello, I'm Yutaki
Lovely to meet you!

-RP Introduction of Yutaki's FFXIV Main Character-

| Yutaki Soa'relui |
| Sun Seeker Miqo'te | ♀ | 21 |
| Chaotic Good |
| Always Helpful Adventurer |
| Lich | RP & eRP |

| Private House: Lavender Beds Ward 6 Plot 46 |
| Apartment: Goblet Ward 6 Room 5 |
| FC House: Goblet Ward 20 Plot 5 |


Yutaki grew up in South-Eastern Paglth'an, a region defined by it's harsh living conditions and isolation from any bigger man-made city.Only adventurous souls dare to travel through the mountains of sand and stone but her family still made it their home.
This family, actually a collection of many different personalities from many races, provided her with a wonderful childhood.
Just like her parents Yutaki was curious in nature and decided to go on her own adventure, to one day return to her home and share all she has learned.
However this homecoming becomes a more distant future than she could have ever anticipated with the discovery of her Echo.
This led to her joining the Scions and even acquainted her with the Warrior of Light.
Now she helps as much as she possibly can to protect Eorzea.

RP Hooks

Spontaneous Hooks"Please... Help...!"
Yutaki's biggest purpose in life is to help others, be it through healing or fighting. So whatever you need of her, she will be there, even forgoing allegiances or her common sense at times to save an individual.
"Damn, where could it be?"
Whether you lost something or are lost yourself, Yutaki will gladly help you out. Her Echo doesn't let her see the past or communicate beyond language but rather sets her on the way to anything she seeks, which is what made her become a successful Adventurer in the first place.
"So, I heard you are with the Scions"
Her work with the Scions brings Yutaki to all corners of the realm and while not the most important or recognized of members, you might still know her as part of the organization. It depends on your own stance on their efforts whether this means you want to help her, need her help or mean to do her harm...
...Long-Term HooksThe Unknown
We both wake up in an unknown place. The Void? A Garlean Facility? Some sort of Dungeon? Whatever it is we need to get out of here!
Against the Elementals
Both of us are appalled by the practices of the Conjurer's Guild and White Mages. Though going against the Elementals will likely come with personal sacrifice, still, we need to invoke change...
You sense something about me, or I feel your desire to find what is lost to you. Whatever it is, our Echo draws us to each other.
...You can find more of what I am looking for in my OOC Info

Yutaki Soa'relui Profile

Short Character Sheet

-Personal Data-Name: Yutaki Soa'relui
Age: 18 - 23 over the course of the story
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Mixed Sun Seeker and Moon Keeper Miqo'te
Birthplace: North-Eastern Mountains of Paglth’an
Home: Lavender Beds Ward 6 Plot 46
Job: Adventurer and Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Class: Conjurer & Monk
-Personality-Likes: The phase of relaxation after working hard, Musing about everything and nothing, Good food especially sweets, Bustling streets as well as her cozy quiet home, Nature, Just being with friendsDislikes: Cold weather, Having to do nothing when there is work to be done, Cruelty, Willful ignoranceStrengths: Very empathetic, Hard working, Learns quickly, Always hopeful, A good Fighter & HealerWeaknesses: No concept of personal space, Can't handle money well, Panics in chaotic situations, Prone to forgetfulnessHobbies: Learning, Seeking out challenges for her fighting & healing skills, Helping friends with whatever they need, Listening to orchestrions, Wandering and exploring, Self-care and hygiene, Collecting clothes and putting together outfitsFears: Endangering loved ones with her meddling in matters as a Scion, Failing to protect and heal her fellow adventurers, Never seeing her family againHopes: Bettering the world and that there is an end to the hardships that come with thisCharacter Traits: Compassionate, Excitable, Helpful, Skillful, Adventurous, Silly, Energetic, Extrovert, Conscientious, Passionate, Naturally Charming, Affectionate, Gentle, Indecisive, Naive, Melancholic & Fearful when left alone, Restless, Impatient, Nosy, Overbearing, Very Escapist, Bottling Up the Negative-Appearance-Hair: Golden Platinum Blond around shoulder length with bangs
Eyes: Bright Apple Green
Skin Tone: Toasted Brown
Body Type: Lithe & Petit
Height: 4'10.9" or 149.61cm
Weight: 95lb or 43.1kg
Special Features: Her fluffy tail, Lighter than her skin tone freckles all over her body but especially on her face, Her lively way of moving and expressions, Her pupil can change from a slit to full blown circle depending on her feelings and instinctClothing: Wide and light dresses not showing too much skin, often reminiscent of her upbringing in a desert environment, though she also loves floral decorations-Quote-"There is always hope and wherever I see a glimmer of it I will fight to bring it to those that have grown blind in the darkness"-OOC Info-Yutaki is my Main and the one I play the game with. As such I am never IC, unless I have the RP symbol in front of my name. If you wanna RP please send me a /tell beforehand.
More OOC & NSFW Info can be found in the Header Buttons!
-Verses-Main Verse: She is a Scion and acquainted with the WoL, having been around for most of their adventures.
WoL Verse: She is the WoL and has been through the MSQ.
Early Verse: She just arrived in Eorzea.
Disillusioned Verse: She quit the Scions and just wants to live a quiet & peaceful life, but can't stop helping people in need when she meets them.

Detailed Character Sheet

Basic Statistics

Yutaki Soa’relui
Meaning of Name:
Yutaki doesn’t mean anything, Soa’relui means “Of the Sun” in Romanian
Origin of Name:
Yutaki was suggested by a Namazu Traveler that lived with the family for some years, trying to articulate what manner of Names Domans have. As such her first name sounds vaguely Far Eastern without actually meaning anything and actually being male sounding. It’s better than the Namazu’s original suggestion of Gyotaki though…
Her last name Soa’relui on the other hand has an important story to tell as to how her family came to be, something her parents loved to reminisce about.
Her father being a strong Tia from the Sun Seeker’s S Tribe he was thought a likely candidate for becoming the next Nunh, however he was never one for rivalry and though his Tribe was nomadic he had always wondered what lied beyond the desert. The answer to his quiet wondering came in form of her mother, freshly having left her own family of Moon Keepers and traveling South, straying far from the Gridanian woods where most of her people dwell. They both immediately fell for the other and quietly set out together, exploring Thanalan and crossing the Sea of Ash with the bit of Gil they could earn, ending up in the Black Shroud and from there traveling South. On their way they met many people, some becoming temporary travel partners, others becoming part of their family. They ultimately settled in the desert-y mountains of Paglth’an. To give their group a name they decided to mix Seeker and Keeper customs. Using the father’s Tribe initial and name and set it in front of her mother’s family name, thus creating a healthy mix of both, symbolizing their family as something new but still coming from traditions they value. So from S’oa Tia and Lheila Relui Soa’relui is born.
Blood Type:
Seeker of the Sun & Keeper of the Moon
Mixed Miqo’te
Sexual Orientation:
Romantic Orientation:
Current Status:
Political Party:
Scions of the Seventh Dawn
Police/Criminal/Legal Record:
Socioeconomic Level as a Child:
Living in a self-sustaining and self-taught family
Socioeconomic Level as an Adult:
Upper Middleclass of Adventurers, was taught the art of conjuring and originally worked as pugilist and then monk for hire.
Birth Date:
25th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (25th May)
Birth Place:
North-Eastern Mountains of Paglth’an
Current Residence:
Eorzea (Lavender Beds)
Adventurer and Scion, sometimes helping the Warrior of Light in their missions
Healer, Scion of the Seventh Dawn Member
Learning all manner of skills, Exploring the world be it her neighborhood or a new continent, Collecting books, Eating, Amassing and wearing clothes, Helping others
Empathetic, Good Healer, Can Hear the Elementals even if she often decides not to listen to them, Is a Trained Pugilist and Monk so she knows her way around a fight even if she came to like healing more

Past History

A small settlement in the North-Eastern Mountains of Paglth’an
First Memory:
Scraping her knee when she fell down a small cliff.
Most Important Childhood Memory/Event that still Affects them:
She still remembers vividly how her family found a wounded traveler trying to cross the mountain chain and nursing them back to health.
Why & How?:
The fear of loosing a life always stuck with her even though she didn’t know the traveler in the beginning. It resonated with a dread deep inside of her, ringing especially loud since she never thought about the concept of dying before. To this day she feels an echo of the same feeling from back then. It hugely influenced her decision on becoming a Healer.
Other Memories/Events that still Affect them:
Memories of her Family during dinner around the settlement fire, exchanging stories, laughing are still fondly remembered by Yutaki as well as the daily life with such a colorful group of people.
Why & How?:
It shaped her life into becoming curious and understanding, so every time there is conflict she thinks back on how harmonious things can be and tries to find a solution. These memories also bring her comfort in dark times.
Past Failures they would be Embarrassed to have People Know about:
Yutaki isn’t really the type to be embarrassed about mistakes as they are just part of a learning process and show a will to become better. However she is deeply embarrassed about the beginning of her Healer career as a Conjurer where she would follow the Elementals’ Will and her other Guild Members’ consensus closely, resulting in people not receiving the help she could have given. She also counts every death she could have prevented as her own personal failure.
She wants her companions to feel save with her. Besides it would also tear open old wounds for herself.
Biggest Role Model:
Her entire Family.
They taught her the morals she stands by to this day.
Biggest Disillusions from Childhood:
Disillusions really only hit her when she left her Family to experience the world in her teens, but a small anecdote would be how she didn’t really grasp that food had to be cooked in order to taste good, so as a young child she would sometimes grab an ingredient and try it only to be horribly disappointed.
Yutaki was born to her father S’oa Tia and mother Lheila Relui after they had already settled down in the mountains of Paglth’an. She grew up there together with her siblings and the rest of the Family, which was a colorful array of races and beasts from all over the world, that had found their home in this unlikely place.
Her childhood there was a happy one, full of learning, helping and understanding. Just like her older siblings she wanted to venture out and learn about the world until her curiosity was sated and after that she planned to go back home, sharing the knowledge and skills she acquired.
However things turned out differently when during her adventuring days in Thanalan she discovered that she was in possession of the Echo, which ultimately lead her to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Never one to refuse helping others Yutaki joined their cause, believing in it wholeheartedly. But with great ambition comes great sacrifice and her involvement in affairs all across the realm and beyond made her goal to rejoin her family a distant dream as she could endanger them if certain parties knew where they dwelled. She also could never leave her new companions to fend for themselves, even if she wishes to do just this in dark hours.

Physical Characteristics

4'10.9" or 149.61cm
95lb or 43.1kg
Relaxed and Varied
Toasted Brown Color. She has a few older scars but it’s mostly smooth and soft. She has light yellow freckles all over her body but especially on her face.
Golden Platinum Blond Color. She keeps her hair around shoulder length with bangs. It is naturally straight and voluminous and just like her skin soft due to good care.
Widow's Peak?:
Miqo’te typical ‘Cat Ears’
Apple Green Color. Since she is a mix of Sun Seeker and Moon Keeper her pupil can change from a slit to full blown circle depending on her feelings and instinct. In a relaxed state they are almond formed slits. Her eye shape is slightly droopy.
Wide Button Nose
Very full and not too wide lips. Her teeth are white with very pronounced canines.
Face Shape:
Adam’s Apple?:
Yutaki’s expressions are very lively and varied, she isn’t shy to show her emotions on her face. In a relaxed state she looks innocent with her droopy eyes and eyebrows.
Describe Their Smile:
Her smile is like sunshine. Very warm and bright and her whole face will show her happiness.
Slender fingers and general smooth skin but with visible calluses on the knuckles. If she is feeling fancy she will paint her nails but they end up chipped very fast.
Slightly big for her built but the skin is well taken care of like the rest of it.
A few barely visible all over her body, though those are old. Since she is a Healer barely anything will leave a scar. She has a pronounced scar on her right knee and elbow from her childhood though.
None, all glasses she wears are purely for aesthetic.
Left/Right Handed?:
Both, though she can write better with her right hand.
Distinguishing Features:
Her fluffy tail, The lighter than her skin tone freckles all over her body but especially on her face, Her lively way of moving and expressions.
Which Parent do they Take After?:
Her father. She has the same skin-, eye- and haircolor. Only the freckles and fluffy tail are like her mother’s.
Style (Elegant, Shabby, etc):
Beautiful but practical, not showing too much skin.
How do they Dress or What do they Typically Wear?:
In her free time Yutaki likes to wear wide and light dresses, often reminiscent of her upbringing in a desert environment, though she also loves floral decorations. If she fights as Monk she wears easy to move in leather and metal, as Healer she prefers robes of cloth but also metal to protect herself. She did develop a fondness of fashion so she has quite a big closet full of clothes for all kinds of events. Her favorite colors to wear are green, yellow, brown and blue.
Other Outfits one might Find in their Wardrobe:
Everything, especially beautifully decorated and ornate clothing.
Like clothes she adores jewelry though to a somewhat lesser extent. Especially filigree metal works.
Other Accessories:
Her magicked bag.
As Monk she has different types of Knuckles for bludgeoning damage or Claws for slashing damage. With some Aether manipulation her bare fists are just as effective though. As Conjurer she has Canes, some of wood, some of metal.
She is extremely healthy owing to her taking care of herself and of course magic.
Despite, or maybe because, Yutaki grew up in the desert she has always taken extensive care of her hygiene. She loves to shower and clean herself, but also treat her skin and hair. While too strong smells offend her nose she loves a slight fruity and sweet perfume.
Physical Flaws:
Rough Knuckles, Some chub around her hips, Small breasts.
Physical Qualities:
Cute face, Smooth skin, Bright eyes.